Third Alien Shore

In a struggle to be happy and free

Drystone Wall

Learning what not to change!

Learning never ends. This is especially true with computers and the near-daily changes the advance of technology brings.

I’m no longer so keep to be on the bleeding edge, but I also don’t want to find myself trailing. I’ve decided to retire my beloved Mac mini from its media server duties. With that in mind, I will shift that responsibility to my NAS. I already have the NAS and it’s already running so removing the Mac mini will save electricity. Saving electricity is good!

I didn’t limit myself to just that task. No, I had to go fooling with the drives in the NAS because I’m so damn particular about how my technology is configured. The positive aspect to this is that I learn more, especially if something goes wrong. The negative is things are far more likely to go wrong. In this instance, the negative can be nearly summed up by this notification from the NAS itself:

Storage Pool 1 on MemoryAlpha has crashed.

As you can imagine, this is never a good thing to see. I was relieved that I had all of the data backed up. However, I didn’t look forward to restoring all 10 TB of it! Ugh.

So how did I screw it up? The room with my computer is on the ground floor while the NAS is in the basement, one level below. When I checked my computer, it reported that the rebuild triggered by the drive I had moved would be finished in ten minutes. I went downstairs. While I can’t remember what I was doing, at least thirty minutes had passed when I was ready to pull another drive. Why would I go back upstairs to check if the operation was complete when triple the estimated time has passed? So, I thought it was safe to pull another drive I wanted to move. In my haste, I didn’t read thoroughly. I did not notice the rebuild was only the first step of three. Of course, all three steps had not finished. When I went back to my computer to configure the change, I was presented with the unwelcome message above.

What do you do when up make a procedural mistake? You try to undo the step that caused the problem! So I put the drive back where it was, not expecting a reprieve, but one must try. To my surprised, the NAS reported that it was now in read-only mode. It was trying to repair what I had done. Hours later it informed me:

Volume 1 on MemoryAlpha was in read-only mode, but it has been automatically repaired and is now healthy.

Alleluia! Praise to the good favour of the computer gods! I was wary of the data of a repaired volume, but did some checking and everything looked good. I still have the backup just in case I discover isolated data damage in the future but things are looking good now.

The lesson? Check more than you think you need to check. Assumptions are bad!

Lesson learned, I continued onward, installing a media server app on the NAS, but that’s a story for another time. Happily, it doesn’t involve data loss. Not really.

Trump, his ego, and his intellect

Trump has gone a little nutty, imposing a 25% tariff on all imported steel and aluminum, a 10% tariff on goods from China, and a threatened 25% tariff on everything imported from Canada and Mexico. I think there is some method to his madness, but only some.

Firstly, he wants to lessen the trade imbalance between the United States and many of its trading partners. That’s a worthy goal if the U.S. is ever to get its finances in order. I’m not exactly sure why Trump thinks tariffs are the vehicle to that end. There is nothing stopping their trading partners from imposing retaliatory tariffs in response. He’ll impose tariffs, and his trading partners will do the same. Everyone loses! But at the same time, he’ll tell Americans a sob story about how Canadians and Mexicans are treating the U.S. unfairly and it’s clearly their fault the U.S. is suffering. His fans will believe his lies but they will suffer just the same.

Trump’s stated reason for the tariffs are a national emergency because of a huge influx of fentanyl. That’s a dodge because the trade agreement negotiated by his administration during his first term forbids the tariffs he wants to impose. His way out of that is to declare an emergency and bypass the tariff restriction. Consider that according to his own government’s numbers, less than 1% of the fentanyl entering the U.S. is coming through Canada. Yet, we’re still getting tariffs at the same rate? It’s not the fentanyl. Don’t fall for his bullshit.

I can imagine somewhere along the line, someone pointed out that Canada relies on the U.S. more than the U.S. relies on Canada… and a dim bulb went on above his head. It occurred to him that a trade war would destroy our economy, and we’d come crawling to him for help. He could then help us by making Canada a 51st state.

Then his ego kicked in. This is Donald Trump after all. If he can make Canada part of the United States, why not Mexico as well? The same tactic should work. Mexico is not as rich as the U.S., right? He’ll bring all of North America under the U.S. flag. Then that same someone had to remind him that Greenland is also part of North America. Again, this is Donald Trump after all. So he talked about buying Greenland. He would be remembered in the history books as the president who more than doubled the size of the United States without any military action. I have no doubt his planet-sized ego found the end-game irresistible. On the other hand, his pea-sized intellect has nowhere near the knowledge to make it happen, if it’s even possible.

I firmly believe this started with the wise thought of reducing the trade deficit the U.S. suffers on multiple fronts. But then his ego took over and he decided to wipe out all the trade deficits, and take over all of North America by simply pushing harder.

I also believe he has no idea how this will all work out, and he’s far more confident than he has any right to be. He won’t succeed is taking over any other countries. Rather, he’s going to wreak holy economic hell as he flails about trying. And make no mistake, that economic hell will affect the United States, too.

Charisma? I don’t see it.

I simply cannot not believe that American voters brought Donald Trump back for a second term. He’s so obviously a lying con-man, but to see and hear his faithful, you’d think they were describing the second coming of Jesus.

I remember one of my many history teachers explaining to my class that Hitler took over Germany with a combination of political savvy and charisma. I’ve seen next to no motion pictures of Hitler, and photographs show no sign of charisma I could see. He was just a strange looking little man.

Unfortunately, I’ve seen far too much video of Trump and he also appears to be a strange looking little man. He’s not of short stature, but it’s pretty clear that he’s got a stunted personality and zero personal charisma. Yet others treat him with great love and reverence.

I suspect that in the future, people without the societal context will see Trump much as I saw Hitler back in history class. When confronted with all the facts of how he was elected, they’ll wonder, “What the hell were they thinking?” I feel certain of this because I already ponder that same question.

I just don’t see it. At. All.

We are Married!

Julie and Rick stand before the officiant.
Photo by Taylor Campbell.

Backyard dogs

The latest thing I absolutely do not understand has to do with dogs. Julie and I each take Millie out for a walk every day. Millie is young and energetic so it works well for her. We’re not as young but the exercise is very good for us. Everyone is happy.

On these walks through the neighbourhood I pass three or four homes with dogs, and those dogs live in the backyard. No matter the time of day, when we walk by, the dogs in the backyard hear us and bark up a storm at our passing.

What I do not understand is why someone would go to the expense and trouble of giving multiple dogs a home, and then push them out the back door to live outside. In the winter is even worse because of the temperature, but let’s ignore that for now. Why have pets at all if you’re going to keep them outside the house, by themselves?

It just seems like a waste of time and money, and it’s not terribly nice to the dogs.

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